If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance during this time please contact us via the parish email (office.ssjohnbandkentigern@staned.org.uk) or phone (0131 334 1693).
The Roman Catholic Parish of St John the Baptist and St Kentigern is a lively, family-friendly community of faith serving the north-west of Edinburgh.
Sunday Mass:
6.00pm (Saturday Vigil) and
11.30am St John the Baptist
9.30am St Kentigern
Weekday Mass:
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
9.30am – St Kentigern
Wednesday & Friday
9.30am – St John the Baptist
Holy Days of Obligation:
As announced
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: 10.00 – 10.30am
St Kentigern
Saturday: 5.15 – 5.40pm
St John the Baptist and On Request
How to find us:
for contact details and directions
New to the Parish?
Please let us know who you are by completing a Parish Registration Form
To make your weekly/monthly donation by direct banking, use the form below:
Bank Standing Order form
Do please Gift Aid if you can:
Gift Aid Declaration form
Return completed forms to the Parish. Thank you.
Pro-life News
Ss John the Baptist and Kentigern is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, registered charity No. SCO08540