Community Information


Almond & Western Voluntary Sector Forum: The latest edition of the activities programme September 24 for the West Edinburgh Area for your interest.

Free Meals on Wheels from LifeCare:

During the pandemic LifeCare launched a Meals on Wheels service to deliver hot, nutritious meals to older people across North Edinburgh and Leith. Since launch we have delivered over 18,000 hot meals.  Clients receive two freshly cooked two course meals a week, delivered to their door hot and ready to eat.

The service normally costs £6.50 per two course meal but we know that the rising cost of living is putting people in a position where they will choose between heating and eating this winter, so we have secured funding to provide free places with the service for those that need them.

Free places are available to people aged 50 and over, with health and/or support needs, living in North Edinburgh/Leith who are eligible for Pension Credit or Universal Credit. Places are easy to access – no referral necessary- people can just get in touch with us direct to arrange the service.  See posters in the porch or website for further information.

0131 343 0940

Safer Communities, Safer Scotland:  Useful information on keeping you, your family and your community safe can be found here.

Free benefit and debt advice for Edinburgh residents

As the coronavirus pandemic hits the economy harder, more people are now dependent on benefits due to job loss and reduced income. Many people aren’t able to pay for essential things like rent and mortgage costs while others struggle with fuel and food costs.

Four of the city’s advice services are still busy working to support residents to maximise their income and support through these difficult times – whether it is helping people to get the benefits they are entitled to, helping manage debt or rent arrears, giving advice on housing problems or budgeting or help with food and bills. All services are currently providing assistance remotely though some are starting to offer limited face to face appointments.

Contact us if you or any of your clients/residents/community/members need help through these difficult times:

Doorstep Crime – Shut out Scammers:  A video with key tips can be viewed and shared here:

PETAL (People Experiencing Trauma and Loss):  Offering time limited bereavement support to anyone bereaved by Covid-19, as well as their usual services for those bereaved through murder and suicide. See PETAL leaflet.

HcL Transport – Service Update


Volunteering in the Community:  Information about how to volunteer at Ready Scotland





Ss John the Baptist and Kentigern is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, registered charity No. SCO08540