
From the moment of conception we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) to know, love and serve God. From before birth God knows and loves us: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5). The Church teaches that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.” (Catechism 2270). In our Archdiocese, Pro-Life covers issues at the beginning and end of life: the unborn, their mothers, the disabled, the aged & dying. In our Parish we pray for unborn children and their mothers and support pro-life organisations with donations and activities.

Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office – For Pro-Life activities, events and support in our Archdiocese
• 0131 623 8917

Adoption services: St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society – St Margaret’s provides adoption services across Scotland within the framework of the Catholic faith.
• 0141 332 8371

Post Abortion care: Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH) – ARCH offers real understanding, counselling and supportive help to women, men and families after an abortion. All services are offered confidentially, compassionately, without judgement and free of charge
• 0345 603 8501 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm and every evening 7pm-10pm (365 days year)


Parish Contacts:
Carole Cannon (St K)
Margaret Knopps (St J)
Marlene McCallum (St K)



Ss John the Baptist and Kentigern is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, registered charity No. SCO08540