The Fabric and Maintenance Committee is responsible for any maintenance and repair issues that occur within the Parish buildings and grounds. We have a few committed volunteers who are acquainted with the Church buildings and their problems who, together with some additional excellent volunteers who give of their time when needed, ensure that the buildings are maintained to a high standard.
Cleaners: The unsung heroes who keep our Churches clean and tidy throughout the year and especially so at Christmas, Easter and major Church celebrations. They work on a rota basis of 4-5 weeks and volunteers are always needed. There are also those who carry out the heavier work of floor polishing, brass cleaning and so on as required.
Grounds: The surrounding grounds of the Churches are kept neat and trim by a team of grass cutters. Tubs of plants and flowers by the more ‘green fingered’ of our parishioners also decorate our courtyards.
Bert Demarco
Ss John the Baptist and Kentigern is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, registered charity No. SCO08540